Rapid Growth Stem Cell Media

Next Generation Growth Medium
ACSelerateMAX™ hMSC Medium 500mL Kit
Catalog Number: ACSMAX-500
Product Details
ACSelerateMAX™ Xeno-Free hMSC Growth Medium is a complete media formulation originally created to support the rapid production of large numbers of multipotent adipose tissue-derived MSCs. ACSelerateMAX™ has also been extensively documented to support the robust expansion of human MSCs derived from bone marrow, umbilical cord, placenta, and urine.
The expansion of human “adult” mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in the presence of Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) presents numerous problems. These may include undesirable epigenetic programming by non-human serum proteins which may lead to inappropriate lineage commitments as well as perturbations and clouding of experimental results. Experimental results obtained when using FBS may also not translate directly or quickly into meaningful applications in the human therapeutic or regenerative medical fields due to the need to replicate experimental results under xeno-free conditions. To circumvent these issues and to support the pursuit of more realistic, more easily translatable experimental results, American CryoStem developed ACSelerateMAX™.

ACSelerateMAX™ Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth Medium has been shown to support the expansions of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from human umbilical cord (not shown), human bone marrow, human placenta, human adipose tissue, and human urine (not shown).

Fluorescent immunostaining of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) grown in ACSelerateMAXTM hMSC Medium.

Fluorescent immunostaining of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) grown in ACSelereateMAXTM hMSC Medium.

Fluorescent immunostaining of placental-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) grown in ACSelereateMAXTM hMSC Medium.
The phenotypic identity of the cells derived from umbilical cord, bone marrow, placenta, and adipose tissue has been shown to be CD14-, CD19-, CD29+, CD31-, CD34-, CD44+, CD45-, CD49D+, CD73+, CD90+, CD105+, and CD146+, defining them as MSCs, and full multipotency has been shown at greater than 30 doublings. Urine-derived MSCs, by contrast, show the phenotype of CD14-, CD19-, CD29+, CD31-, CD34-, CD44+ CD45-, CD49D+, CD73Low/-, CD90+/-, CD105-, CD146+.