Work with American CryoStem
We work with physicians worldwide.
Physician Information
Physicians, American CryoStem, offers an innovative opportunity to expand your practice. Collecting and cryopreserving adipose tissue and adipose-derived adult stem cells provide you and your patients the ability to greatly benefit from the expanding fields of personalized and regenerative medicine.
Contact Us Directly
American CryoStem Corporation
1 Meridian Road Ste 5
Eatontown, New Jersey 07724
Phone: 732-747-1007
ATGRAFT™ Information
ATGRAFT™, a clinical tissue storage solution for physicians to provide their patients with the highest quality Regenerative Medicine procedures and treatments from a single liposuction. Included in each ATGRAFT™ fat storage is a adipose tissue extraction and transportation kit used to deliver up to 160mL of tissue to our laboratory via FedEX® priority overnight for immediate processing and storage of 100mL. Larger sizes storages use two or more collection kits.
ATGRAFT™ Samples are:
- Tested for pre-cryopreservation adipocyte and cell viability
- Tested for initial sample sterility
- Adipoctye growth assay performed
- Stored in a non-DMSO cryopretectent suitable for immediate injection or further processing
- Post cryopreservation quality control viability testing
- Full 14 day sterility test
- 24 hour sample retrieval turn around from time of request
ATGRAFT™ Highlights:
- With one liposuction patients have the opportunity to plan their fat transfer procedures in advance and create a long term schedule cosmetic procedures.
- Storage packages and configurations for all types of cosmetic purposes. Small 25-100mL, Medium 100-300mL, Large 300-600mL+
- Fat can be saved indefinitely once in cryogenic storage.
- No processing required by physician when retrieving fat sample for future use.
- Stored fat can be processed into a clinical stem cell sample for future regenerative medicine applications.